
Welcome to my blog. Over the next few weeks I will offer a non-partisan analysis and critique of the US Federal budget in a 14+ part series.

Earlier Posts

Monday, January 16, 2012


This blog turned out to be a much larger project that I initially envisioned. I would love to get any feedback on what people thought. If there is anything that you have questions about or feel like I left out please let me know and I will look into it.
 Thank you for taking the time to read all of this, I hope you found this blog interesting and informative.  My initial plan was to end the blog with my opinion on how to best deal with the national debt problem, base on what I learned through my research. But now that I have finished, I realize that the problem is not so much that there is a "right" solution that we have not found. But that there are several solutions to the federal debt crisis and they all boil down to the simple answer that the federal government either needs to spend less money, collect more revenue, or some combination of the two, until budget is balanced. It is not what we need to do that the country is hung up on, it is how we need to do it and honestly I do not think there is right or wrong choice here. No matter how we do it there will be consequences. We just need to decide as a nation which consequences we can live with. So in the end it is more about our values and our perspectives, then a right or wrong way to do it.
So I decided to scrap my opinion piece at the end of the blog, because after reading though all these figures and delving though government policy. I am no more equipped to tell someone what to value or what perspective to take on the world than before I started.
Now the question is, "where do I go from here?" and this is what I have settled on. I want to do something about this problem, but I do not think I can do much by myself.  At this point I would like to ask all of you out there to help. First of all, if you have not read through my blog, please read through it (and if you do not mind this shameless plug if you know anyone who might find this interesting please share a link to my blog with them). When you are done, ask yourself how you think the country needs to go about balancing the budget. Then write up your what you think in a letter and send a copy to the your Congressman, both of your Senators, and the President you can email them all through this site:
This may seem small thing to do, but there is power in writing your elected representatives. One letter does not get much notice, but fifty, or one hundred, or a thousand causes these people to take notice. It easy for us to be anger at our elected officials for not doing enough, but ultimate we have no one to blame but ourselves. Politicians want to be reelected and ultimately they pursue the issues that will get them reelected, and if we do not let them know that the debt matters to us or what we think they need to do about it, then they are not likely to make the issue a priority, let alone take action in a way that we are likely to agree with.
I would encourage you all to do this and with that said thank you all again for reading. I enjoyed putting this all together and I hope you found it interesting.


  1. You have done an excellent job on this and I am very impressed with the way you handled the conclusion.

  2. I have suggested on FB that some friends of friends who were ranting about politics read your blog. I have copied and pasted one guys comments. Since I didn't ask her permission to post them, I am not including his name. You can tell by his comment that he is a rather ornery cuss, but I thought you might find some of it interesting.

    Well done for the most part but I didn't come across any numbers for eliminating foreign aid. We donate money in terms of foreign aid to countries who burn our flag and celebrated after 9-11. We also give money to Saudi Arabia..WTF is wrong with that picture? Reducing our dependence on foreign oil? how much would that save us? Securing our boarders? Mexican Illegals send home Billions of dollars earned in the US. Money that will be spent in Mexico and not recirculated here in the US. Unions raping corporations in wages and health benefits that the average person doesn't get and at the expense of anyone who buys union made goods. How much have greedy unions cost us by forcing companies to go off shore to be able to make a profit? He is right about the fact that we could tax everyone who makes over 200K per year at 100% for the next 11 years and not make a dent in how much we owe...because this government spends too much. In conclusion i say fine..I will give up something. I will give up donating to the Shriners because i can't afford more taxes and charity too. I guess those crippled children will just have to get better on their own. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    1. Thanks for the post. I did not really touch on foreign aid as it is a very small part of the budget and there were "bigger fish to fry." But in case anyone is curious, in 2010 we spent $25 billion on foreign aid for development and humanitarian aid, another 14 billion military aid. This comes to a total of $39 billion. So eliminating all foreign aid would reduce the national deficit by 3%. I did not address any of the other issues such as border security or labor laws because I was looking specifically at the budget and those are policy issues, which are harder to quantify.
